
SIBA - Fuse - Low voltage

SIBA - Fuse - Low voltage Type:
Group: SIBA
Subgroup: Fuse


A switchgear without proper fuse protection may well be put out of service for a considerable time. And that can be expensive. And even if the actual damage is covered by the insurance, the outage may cause an order to be lost, and nobody except you will pay for all the trouble and work involved. So seen from this angle, optimum fuse protection is a very worthwhile investment. If the worst comes to the worst, the fuse reacts instantaneously, is quickly replaced, and work can then carry on as before.
But also at home and in other locations, SIBA NH fuses provide sound protection against faults in the electrical system or poor workmanship during installation of the wiring. And as always, preventing material damage is one thing. Protecting human life and health another. We are committed to doing both.
